Halle Berry

Turning the big 4-0 can be a nerve-wracking time but it’s not all downhill. Just go to Esquire.co, where Halle Berry has been crowned the Sexiest Woman Alive. The actress said she was pleased to receive the honor seven months after giving birth to daughter Nuala. "I don't know exactly what it means, but being 42 and having just had a baby, I think I'll take it," the actress wrote in an "acceptance speech" for the mag.So what does Berry thinks is sexy? "To me, spaghetti is sexy, especially when it's served off the tips of a man's fingers. I like that," Berry said, "And I think wine is sexy, just before sex. It relaxes me. But if I want to get a serious groove on--if I want an out-of-body experience--I'm all about the sloe-gin fizz." Always the gracious winner, she dedicated her award to all women, "because every woman is a nominee for it any moment...I figure at one moment the sexiest woman alive is a waitress in Abilene, Texas. And in the very next second, it's a woman in the bush of Vanuatu.”
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